 * Ring_buffer: utilizes a fixed-size buffer  as if it were connected end-to-end (as if the buffer was circular in shape). 
 * The ring buffer is a FIFO type of buffer
 *@ Author: Amjad Yousef Majid
 *@ Date: 12/March/2017

#include                  // needed for the uint8_t data type
#include                  // needed for the size_t and malloc
#include                   // needed for the printf

/** variables declations and definitions*/

/* Declare a data type that holds the charactristics of a ring buffer */
typedef struct {
    uint8_t *buffer;                // a pointer to hold the address to the ring buffer
    size_t size;                    // `size_t` is used here to represent buffer 
                                    // object size in byte. `malloc` expects this data type
    size_t data_len;                // capture the length of the valid 
    size_t head;                    // the start index of the valid data
    size_t tail;                    // the end index of the valid data

/** functions prototyping */
void _advance_idx(size_t *idx, size_t *size);
bool rbuf_empty(rbuf_t* rbuf);
bool rbuf_full(rbuf_t *rbuf);
void rbuf_put( rbuf_t *rbuf, uint8_t data);

/** _advance_idx:
 * It is a helper function that advances an index of a ring buffer and set it to
 * zero when it is equal the buffer size
 * @param *idx   *idx pointer to the head/tail ring buffer indices 
 * @param *size  *size pointer to the size of the buffer
void _advance_idx(size_t *idx, size_t *size)
    if(++(*idx) == *size)
        *idx= 0;

/** rbuf_empty:
 * check if the ring buffer is empty
 * @param   *rbuf   pointer to a ring buffer
 * @return  `true value` if the ring buffer is empty
bool rbuf_empty(rbuf_t* rbuf)
    return (rbuf->data_len == 0); 

/** rbuf_full:
 * check if the ring buffer is full
 * @param   *rbuf   pointer to a ring buffer
 * @return  `true value` if the ring buffer is full
bool rbuf_full(rbuf_t *rbuf)
 return ( rbuf->data_len == rbuf->size); 

/** rbuf_put:
 * insert a value into the buffer
 * @param *rbuf     pointer to a ring buffer
 * @param data      a byte to be inserted in to the buffer
void rbuf_put( rbuf_t *rbuf, uint8_t data)
    // insert the data
    rbuf->buffer[rbuf->head] = data;
    // check if old data is overwritten
        // advances the tail index to point to the old data
        // buffer size equals (max index + 1) 
        _advance_idx(&rbuf->tail, &rbuf->size);
        // increase the length of the data if you do not overwrite old data
    // if the head index equals the buffer size set it back to zero 
    _advance_idx(&rbuf->head, &rbuf->size);

/** rbuf_get:
 * get a data from the buffer if it is not empty and advance tail pointer
 * @param *rbuf     pointer to a ring buffer
 * @param *data     pointer to a variable to get the data from the buffer
 * @param  `true value` if the buffer is not empty
bool rbuf_get(rbuf_t * rbuf, uint8_t *data)
        return (false);
    // get the data
   *data = rbuf->buffer[rbuf->tail] ;
   // decrease the valid length
    _advance_idx(&rbuf->tail, &rbuf->size);
    return true;

/** rbuf_search:
 * search a buffer for a certain word
 * @param *rbuf     pointer to a ring buffer 
 * @param word      a byte of data
 * @return bool     "true" if the word is found, else "false"
bool rbuf_search( rbuf_t *rbuf, uint8_t word)
    uint16_t cntr = 0;
    while( cntr < rbuf->data_len)
        if ( word == rbuf->buffer[(rbuf->tail) + cntr])
            return true;
return false;

/** rbuf_write:
 * write many bytes to the buffer
 * @param *rbuf     pointer to a ring buffer 
 * @param numBytes  the number of bytes to be inseted
 * @param data      a pointer to byte of data to be inserted
void rbuf_write( rbuf_t *rbuf, uint8_t numBytes, uint8_t *data)
        rbuf_put(rbuf, *data);

/** rbuf_read:
 * read many bytes to the buffer
 * @param *rbuf     pointer to a ring buffer
 * @param data      a byte to be read from the buffer
void rbuf_read( rbuf_t *rbuf, uint8_t numBytes, uint8_t *data)
    while( (numBytes--) && rbuf_get(rbuf, data))

rbuf_t *rbuf = NULL;
int main()
   rbuf = malloc(sizeof(rbuf_t));
   rbuf->head = 0;
   rbuf->tail = 0;
   rbuf->size = 10;
   rbuf->buffer = malloc(rbuf->size);
   printf(" insert data\n");
   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 7 ; i++)
    printf("->%d\n", i);
    rbuf_put(rbuf, i);

   printf("data_len: %lu \n", rbuf->data_len);
   printf("tail  %lu \n", rbuf->tail);
   printf("head  %lu \n", rbuf->head);
   printf("size : %lu \n", rbuf->size);

    uint8_t data;
   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++)
    if( rbuf_get(rbuf, &data))
        printf("%d \n", data);

   printf("data_len: %lu \n", rbuf->data_len);
   printf("tail  %lu \n", rbuf->tail);
   printf("head  %lu \n", rbuf->head);
   printf("size : %lu \n", rbuf->size);

   printf(" insert data\n");
   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    printf("->%d\n", i);
    rbuf_put(rbuf, i);

   printf("data_len: %lu \n", rbuf->data_len);
   printf("tail  %lu \n", rbuf->tail);
   printf("head  %lu \n", rbuf->head);
   printf("size : %lu \n", rbuf->size);

   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    if(!rbuf_get(rbuf, &data))
    printf("%d \n", data);

    uint8_t data_arr[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};

   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 9; i++)
    if(rbuf_search(rbuf, data_arr[i]))
        printf("not found\n");
return 0;